Attendance & Leave Management
It is essential for any organisation to manage the attendance and leaves of their staff throughout the year for purposes like compensation, payroll, reimbursement, time off, compliance, etc. Keeping a track of the field executive’s shift punch In and Out updates is made easier with theuser friendly Attendance and Leave Management module.

Expense Management
The Expense Management module in Trinetra iWay’s field staff management software empowers field team to record, claim and approve expenses via the software application. It helps the employee or field executive to manage and report their daily expenses while doing their field job for the company.

Invoicing & Payment Management
Revenue generation is an essential activity in a business to generate income. With regard to revenue generation, it is important for any organization to manage the Invoicing and Payment aspects of the company in their area of work. The company needs the ability to track and analyse the overall revenue flow to manage finances and profitability.

Schedule Management
Daily job schedule management can help in allocating the right job to the suitable field executive on time. It can help in managing multiple jobs simultaneously. But an incorrect scheduling process can make the loss of revenue and chaos as an outcome.

Real time Alerts and Notifications
To ensure that field executives are updated with all information, there is a standard feature of Alerts & Notifications in the software. Field staff using the app are updated with sales calls or service tickets, emergency service requests, changes in schedules, etc. The Real Time Alerts & Notifications module improves the productivity by keeping field staff aware of schedules and managers to monitor & re-plan their work schedules.

Instant Customer feedback with Star Ratings and Photograph
With the Trinetra iWay software application, remove all manual field work processes and update progress, needs or obstacles of daily tasks in a single click anytime. Using this software recurring calls to field managers regarding service tickets or sales orders, printing documents or filling up forms are eliminated.

Order Management
The Order Management module in the field force management software helps the managers to assess the performance of the team for the month. This will further help them make a clear forecast on the monthly revenue generation. This in turn helps to plan the targets for the month.

Real time Location Update with Availability status – Monitor Page
The real time location update module in the mobile field force application helps to schedule or reschedule customer visits for each field representative quickly. The managers can also view locations on the digital map, monitor the actual visits by geo-proofs from team members’ check-ins in each of the locations and can access to instantly update data and analyse their performance and results.

Dashboard & Reports
The software provides an intuitive Dashboard and Reports Module to improve day-to-day operations for the Managers handling the Field Executives. The all-encompassing dashboard on the application offers real-time updates and easy access to major features. Field staff managers can access major leads, tickets and work related details online, besides relevant reports, thereby giving them all the resources and knowledge to stay update.